Our Welcoming Ministry is all about making great first impressions to our guests. These teams create a warm welcome and a secure and safe environment from the parking lot to the auditorium and everywhere in between.


  • Greeting & socializing

  • Directing traffic

  • Giving tours

Greeter Team

The Greeter Teams create a welcoming, accepting and warm environment for guests attending weekend, midweek and special event experiences. If you love people and are quite personable, we’ll help train you with the rest of the details. Serve once per month 30 minutes prior to the worship of your choice and 10 minutes following the service by offering a warm smile and friendly welcome to our many guests and members

Andrew Minister

Assist our newest visitors in finding their way on campus and into the life of the church.  This role takes greeter hospitality one step further by offering folks help in locating Sunday School and Nursery, find answers to questions, and collect information for staff follow up. It’s not about knowing all the answers. Andrew Ministry is about offering a warm smile, a genuine welcome, and a connection to our newest folks. Andrew Ministers are given training and serve once a month.

Parking Posse

Our goal is not only to assist guests with parking, but to help our guests to experience the love of Christ before they reach the building. The Parking Posse provides rides from the parking lots to the sanctuary or Family Life Center on Sundays on church golf carts.


Serve once per month during a worship service of your choice. Ushers do the important work before and during services of handing out bulletins, directing worshipers to their seats, collecting offering plates, and directing flow during communion services. Training is provided! 

Communion Server

Serve as you’re available on Communion Sundays in the worship service of your choice. Serving communion is a simple yet holy experience. When you sign up as a server, you will receive an email once per month with a link to sign up.  If you are available, you sign up to serve either bread or cup. Training and instructions are provided.