First Church believes that mission and outreach give feet to the faith that we profess. Our commitment is to promote missions as varied as our membership so that all might find a way to live out the Gospel for the benefit and transformation of the world. Through outreach and mission, we seek to minister to the needs of our growing community, area, and world. With new people, there are new passions. As a growing church, our mission and outreach are always expanding. You can find more information about all of our mission opportunities here.


Heart to Heart Quilters

Heart to Heart Quilters strive to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ to comfort the afflicted by providing quilts to children ages 17 years and younger with catastrophic illnesses or in difficult social situations. They pray as they stitch love into every quilt. Join the quilters on Thursdays mornings, 9:30 am and Thursday evenings, 5:30 pm at 115 Winsted House on our campus. For more information, submit the form below, or email If you have never quilted, we will teach you. If you already have basic sewing or quilting skills, we will help you get started making children’s quilts. You don’t need to bring any supplies to your first meeting. We will supply what you need to get started. Come and join us morning or evening!

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Wise Owls Initiative

The mission of Wise Owls Initiative is to help to reduce the negative effects of isolation and loneliness among our elderly population via engagement through volunteers. All ages are invited to make cards to be delivered to the elderly community. This is a wonderful way for ALL AGES to serve and allows you to participate whenever your schedule allows. To participate, please email Laura Jones, at If on a mobile device, click the button below to email Wise Owls Initiative.


Round Rock Area Serving Center - Help Feed Our Community

First Church supports the Round Rock Area Serving Center through the efforts of many volunteers and financial support. The Serving Center supports families in crisis through many programs and services including a food pantry, community garden, clothing and furniture vouchers, financial assistance (utilities, rent, prescriptions, transportation and temporary lodging) and more.

Here’s how you can help:

The RRASC is in constant need of volunteers. Click the “I’m interested” below to access the application process. Minimal training is required and all ages are welcome. Once registered as a volunteer at the RRASC you can establish a volunteer schedule or simply help whenever you have time!

Do you speak Spanish? They need volunteers who are Spanish speakers to assist with screening phone calls at the center.

The daytime hours are flexible, and training is available. If you are interested, submit the form below. Or call the RRASC for info at 512.244.2431 or click on the link below to be directed to the RRASC Volunteer page.



First Church supports our local mission partner school, Neysa Callison Elementary. Callison had selected our church to be their Literacy Partner last year. They had no idea how big the mission heart of our church truly is!

Over the summer, First Church has been helping Callison get ready to welcome students and families back to their virtual and in-person campuses, including donating money to purchase school supplies for every child in need. We have other things planned for the school including a back-to-school welcome for staff and students, a campus food pantry for needy families, plus a mentor and reading program.

The Callison Cougar family knows that First Church stands with them in prayer, love, and support as together we support children and families in our community. For more information, submit the form below, or email



Seniors Helping Seniors. We serve seniors (age 55+), disabled, and others in need in our community with minor home maintenance and repairs with a key focus on safety.

This group meets in the back parking lot of the church on Friday mornings at 8:30 AM to discuss assignments. For more information on volunteering, submit the form below, or email


Sleep in Heavenly Peace

No Kid Sleeps on the Floor in Our Town. First Church has partnered with Sleep in Heavenly Peace to provide beds for children in our community who have no beds to sleep on. During our last build, more than 225 First Church volunteers built 41 beds and delivered them to 18 families in Travis and Williamson Counties. More Bed Build Days are coming and we would love for you to be involved. For more information, submit the form below, or email

First Church Crafters - use their crafting talents to create items for the spring and fall craft sales to monetarily support First Church and community organizations through mission projects. They meet on Tuesdays (except the 3rd Tuesday) from 9:30 am - 12 noon, at 115 Winsted House on our campus. For more information, submit the form below, or email


Military and First Responders Network - committed to ministry to and with members with the military (active and veteran) and first responders (police, fire, EMS) and their families. They have a heart for mission such as Cookies for the Troops, school supplies drives for local soldiers’ families, and providing Thanksgiving meals for military personnel. Meet once monthly in the evening. For more information, submit the form below.


Thanksgiving Bags - Every Thanksgiving, we provide 280 families in our community full Thanksgiving meals. Families were selected from 9 area schools with a high population of limited resource families, plus the Texas Baptist Children’s Home, Texas National Guard. This annual outreach to our community is made possible through the generous donations of time and food from many volunteers. For more information, submit the form below, or email

Have you become aware of a community need? First Church Missions Team would love to hear about it. Whether we are able help through action or prayer, First Church’s mission is to spread the LOVE of Jesus Christ throughout our community.