What is a Vine Group?
Vine Groups are a small group of 8-12 people, hosted by our church members to gather and discuss the Vine (https://fumc-rr.org/the-vine). These groups offer an opportunity to delve deeper into each week's scripture and sermon while fostering a stronger community. To learn about each of our groups, click READ MORE. This will allow you to email the group host who will provide you with more information. Reach out to vinegroups@fumc-rr.org for questions.
Host: Jason Hamilton
When: Monthly: Tuesday Evenings, 6:30-7:30pm
Where: Request Information for Location
Host: Lori Wright
When: Every other Tuesday at 6:30pm, beginning 9/17
Where: Lori’s Home: Georgetown
Host: Toni Gatlin and Ron Mick
When: Monday evenings 7-8:00 pm
Where: Toni and Ron’s Home: East Round Rock
Hosts: Mike and Sandye Hedges
When: Sundays after 9:40am service
Where: On Campus in rm 126
Hosts: Trisha and Gerald Salcher
When: Tuesdays from 10:30-11:30 am
Where: Trisha and Gerald’s Home: Forest Creek, Round Rock
A group for men and women in their twenties
Host: David Johnson
When: Sundays at 3pm
Where: David’s Home: Church Parsonage
For young couples with and without kids
Hosts: Brendan and Elizabeth McGuigan
When: Mondays from 7:30-8:30pm
Where: McGuigan Home: Georgetown, TX
Interested in facilitating a Vine Group?
If you are interested, please fill out the Google form here. New groups can start throughout the semester. You can reach out to vinegroups@fumc-rr.org for questions. We are so excited to get started on this discipleship journey!