
Prayer is an essential ministry of any church. At First Church we seek to support each other through prayer. There are a number of opportunities for prayer including prayer times in our weekly worship services, prayer in small groups, through connection with our prayer chain and praying the labyrinth located on our church campus.

Prayer Request

If you would like to submit a name for prayer, you are invited to fill out the Prayer Request Form. You can request that only the pastors receive the request, and/or that it be included on the email prayer chain, and/or that it be included on the printed prayer list.

The First Church printed prayer list is updated weekly with prayer requests. Requests stay on the list for 4 weeks. If continued prayer is needed, please resubmit. This list is available to First Church members who can pick up a copy on Sundays and it also goes out weekly in the enews on Fridays.

Prayer Labyrinth

The Prayer Labyrinth is located just south of the Sanctuary adjacent to the Garden of the Saints Columbarium. The Prayer Labyrinth is a pathway that invites walking prayer, meditation and rest in the Lord.

EMail Prayer Ministry - Pray for Others

The First Church Email Prayer Ministry offers the opportunity to pray immediately for the needs of others. Persons in this ministry receive prayer requests by email and commit to promptly pray wherever they are for the person and/or concern received. All prayer requests are confidential and will not be shared with others. Email prayer requests are sent out as they are received. If you’d like the email prayer ministry to pray for you, please click the ‘REQUEST PRAYER’ button above. To join the Prayer Ministry please send a request by clicking the button below.

PHONE Prayer Ministry - Check in and pray with members

Our goal is for every member to receive a call twice a year. A simple check-in via phone to pray with each member will make a tremendous spiritual impact on our community and your life.

No special qualifications are required, only a willing heart to pray with our members.