Every year our church provides over 350 Thanksgiving meals to needy in our community by providing them special Thanksgiving bags with groceries and gift cards. Please return bags by Sunday, November 17 filled with the items required on the shopping list stapled to the bag. If anyone would like to financially give to this ministry they can do so online by designating gifts to Thanksgiving Bags. Stay tuned for details on our distribution Sunday, November 24.

As this ministry has grown over the years, we have expanded to include more schools and organizations. This year we will serve the following elementary schools: Berkman, Gattis, Double File, Callison, Robertson, Union Hill, Voigt, and Success High School. We will also include Texas Baptist Children’s Home, Armed Forces Reserve Center, and other organizations.

volunteers Needed

We will need volunteers to deliver the bags on Sunday, November 24th from 9am-1:00pm. You can pick up bags starting after the first service until 12:30 pm. (after the last church service)
SIGN UP is OPEN! Please sign up to help HERE.

For more information, please email thanksgiving@fumc-rr.org