Legacy Giving. Many options. HOw do you choose the best path for your first forever gift?
Gifts Now
Appreciated Securities: Give stocks, bonds, or mutual fund units, which stretch your charitable dollars and minimize tax burden.
Cash: Simply write a check or make a donation.
Charitable IRA Rollover: Once you reach at least 70.5 years of age, make tax-free distributions from your IRA to the church.
Life Insurance: Promise an eventual, or sometimes immediate, gift after life insurance has served its original purpose of protecting loved ones.
Real Estate: Deed real estate outright to First Church or by bequest. Gain an immediate tax deduction and avoid capital gains.
Gifts Later
Bank or Investment Account: Assign First Church the beneficiary of a particular investment or bank account.
Bequest: Include gifts to First Church in your will, such as specific funds or a percentage of the estate.
Retirement Assets: Create a gift that goes to First Church - a non-profit organization not subject to federal income or estate tax - as opposed to retirement accounts received by heirs, which are subject to income tax on the entire balance.
Gifts that Pay
Income Charitable Gift Annuity: Make a gift of cash or securities, receive a fixed income for life, and after your lifetime, the charitable remainder interest is available to the Permanent Endowment.
Charitable Lead Trust: Establish an irrevocable gift to a trust, giving a substantial annual income to First Church for a preset period of years or your lifetime.
Charitable Remainder Trust: Establish a trust, the charitable remainder of which is distributed as your gift after the lifetime(s) of the income beneficiary(ies).
Always consult with your financial advisor when making decisions about Legacy Giving.