Special Interest and Fellowship Groups
Ours is an age and society wherein it is easy to become isolated. Though each person encounters and chooses faith for themselves, the Christian faith is one that is unabashedly communal. At First Church we believe that God created us for community, to engage with others for support and fullness of life. There is a reason that with communion, one of our central images of life in full is at at the dinner table. To engage simply means to get involved in a place where people are committed to nurturing each other, challenging each other, and simply enjoying the beauty of life together. For more information about any of the fellowship groups, please click the Get Connected button and complete the form. Your request will quickly be directed to the appropriate person in each group.
The Belles
The Belles is a fellowship group for widows and caregivers, both members of First Church and not, who get together on the first Monday of each month for lunch and visiting.
Bridge Group
Bridge players of all ability levels meet on the third Saturday of each month at 7 p.m. in Adkins Bldg. 5-146. You can join as either a regular or a sub.
Mom Life
Mothers of elementary age and older children meet for fellowship, encouragement, and support on twice a month on Mondays at lunchtime. For more information on meeting times and places, Email AdultMinistry@fumc-rr.org
MOM – Ministry of Motherhood
Mothers of young children (no need to be a member of First Church) meet for guidance, strength, friendship, and support. We strive to make meaningful and lasting friendships, and we work as a team to serve our community through mission and service projects. We meet for playdates, Ladies’ Night Out, and family events each month. We follow the RRISD school calendar, and childcare is provided. Join us on Friday mornings at 9:30 in Adkins Bldg. 5-232. Childcare is provided. Please email fumcrrmoms@gmail.com for questions
United Methodist Men (UMM)
UMM promotes the spiritual growth of men through discipleship and service. One group meets for breakfast and fellowship at 6 am on Wednesdays in Bldg. 3/Family Life Center. A second group meets for breakfast and fellowship at Juarez Bakery on Tuesdays at 8:30 am.
Women of all ages are invited to join us on the third Tuesday of each month at 9:30 am or 6:30 pm. We meet in Building 5 Room 232. Our goals are to pray for and give to missions, become more aware of needs in our community and other places around the work, to seek out needs in our community and become involved in meeting those needs as well as to provide educational opportunities about current and future programs and missions.
First Church Crafters
Crafter’s use their crafting talents to create items for the spring and fall craft sales to monetarily support First Church and community organizations through mission projects. They meet on Tuesdays (except the 3rd Tuesday) from 9:30 am - 12 noon, at 115 Winsted House on our campus. For more information email crafters@fumc-rr.org.
Heart to Heart Quilters
The Heart to Heart Quilters strive to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ to comfort the afflicted by providing quilts to children ages 17 years and younger with catastrophic illnesses or in difficult social situations. They pray as they stitch love into every quilt. There are morning and evening groups. Join the quilters on Thursdays, 9:30 am or 5:30 pm at 115 Winsted House on our campus. The Heart to Heart Ministry shared over 750 quilts with hospitals, crisis centers, and other children in crisis last year alone. If you have never quilted, we will teach you. If you already have basic sewing or quilting skills, we will help you get started making children's quilts. You don’t need to bring any supplies to your first meeting, we will supply what you need to get started. Come and join us morning or evening! For more information, click the Get Connected button or email Quilters@fumc-rr.org.